Storycamp by Istra Inspirit

Stories, myths, and legends for the youngest will come to life this time as part of Storycamp, presented by Istra Inspirit...

Poreč - Isabella Valamar Collection Island Resort
10:00 - 12:00 h

Istria is called Terra Magica (the magic land) for a good reason. Its beauty is deeply embedded in its long history, unusual customs, adventurous legends, breathtaking myths, and mesmerising stories. Dragons, witches, fairies, Kontići – minor forest guardians – princes and evil stepmothers, pirates, and many more. Should we call it a „storyland“ instead?

Istra Inspirit, the first storytelling project in Istria, invites you to join us to discover the most inspiring stories in our Storycamp by Istra Inspirit, where you can witness all those stories come alive and become a part of this unique and magical experience.

Price for 3-day camp150 €
Price for 5-day camp200 €
* Special offer for hotel guests: 20% discount

Max no. of participants – 10 -12 children per week
Daily camp – duration: 2:00h / day

Please book your appointment on time and join us on this journey through time!


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