Central Istria walking degustation tour – Sveti Lovreč

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Sveti Lovreč
7:30 PM

Interpretive walk through central Istria – a journey through time in a slightly different way where history, culture, and gastronomy meet. With your guide, a time traveler through the centuries, you will stop in ancient times, pass through the period of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and end up in an authentic Istrian tavern.

Through stories of flavors, aromas, and delicacies of Istria, you will discover hidden secrets in the corners of picturesque towns in central Istria. You will observe how history intertwines with modern life as you stroll through the streets, feeling the spirit of the past at every step.

You can taste local specialities at the end of your journey through time. This unique adventure through central Istria offers an unforgettable experience that enchants and inspires you.

Book your spot in advance and get ready for an unforgettable journey!


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